Category: Consulting

When conducting study abroad and travel programs– whether on short-term (1 week to a month) or long-term (1 semester to a year) programs – universities must ensure they provide a line of protection for their students, by creating a customized, program-specific safety and security plan. Now is the best time for universities to have appropriate measures in place to support their students while ensuring they fulfill their duty of care obligation. By simply utilizing one or more of the following safety and security services, universities will limit the students’ exposure to a potential crisis and give them added confidence, even in the most challenging of locations.

Security threats to personnel and business continuity require proper training of staff to mitigate risks. Whether employing an external company to conduct your corporate security training solutions, or managing training internally, the most critical mistake most organizations make is failing to create a customized training that fits a variety of relevant factors. The two most important factors that should be focused on to ensure such customization are the type of personnel being trained as well as understanding relevant industry threats.

How much security is enough when it comes stadiums and sports arenas? What is most commonly overlooked when considering the risks that come with hosting such events? Increasingly, the importance of stringent and all-encompassing stadium security is paramount in a world where terror attacks and politically motivated assaults target arenas drawing large crowds. Most notably, we saw the terror attacks on stadiums in Turkey on Dec. 11, 2016 and in Paris on November 13, 2015, along with several others.

Max security contingency plan

Or is it an example of how NOT to plan for any contingency? Here’s a good rule of thumb: The best time to create a contingency plan is not when danger is already at the door and the time has come to operationalize that plan. That applies to any business in any environment. But never more so than…